Diversity Month Event

Dienstag, 7.5.2024 11:00-12:30


Diversity Coordinator Brigitte Bischof invites

to an early Lunchbreak talk with

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann (FU Berlin)


Dean's meeting room (1090 Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5)

Martina Erlemann holds a professorship on Sociology of Science and Gender affiliated at the Department of Physics at Freie Universität Berlin and is head of the Gender & Science Studies in Physics research group.

Her current research focuses on social inequalities in the cultures of physics and the development of new formats of participatory science.

As part of the FGGA's lecture series "Academia and In-/Equality", she is in Vienna this week and will give a lecture on Gender & Diversity in the Culture of Physics on Monday. More information here.

For Tuesday morning, she has been invited to the Faculty of Physics to report on her current research at an informal meeting.

You are welcome to come by spontaneously, but a response by 17:00 this afternoon will make planning much easier, as we would like to provide coffee and snacks and room capacity is limited!

Please be aware that by participating you agree to follow the Code of Conduct and House Rules by the University of Vienna!

In case you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact brigitte.bischof@univie.ac.at

This event is organized by the Faculty of Physics Diversity Coordinator/ Dean's Office in cooperation with the Alumni Association of the Universit of Vienna, Physik Alumni  and Studierendenvertretung STV Physik/ Roter Vektor.

The trip to Vienna was financed by the Gender Research Office.