Diversity Coordinator


Mag.a Brigitte Bischof
Dean's Office, Faculty of Physics
Boltzmanngasse 5, Room 3E52, 1090 Wien
T +43-1-4277-51005 (Tue/Thu morning)

Office hours

Tuesday          10:00-12:00
Thursday         10:00-12:00
Only irregular office hours in the summer months!

Please make an appointment by email.

Brigitte Bischof is the on-site contact person for your concerns regarding Gender Equality & Diversity.

The office hours listed above serve as a simple and accessible way to raise questions, concerns, complaints, or bring up challenges regarding workplace, teaching and learning culture at the faculty, how they are experienced, and where opportunities for improvement might lie. Also use these office hours to report incidents that violate the University's Code of Conduct, such as possible inappropriate behavior by faculty members or fellow students. In cases of harassment, counseling in the psychological sense cannot be provided, but general support and referrals to the appropriate university contact points can be offered.

In order to sustainably create a discrimination-free and diversity-friendly working and study environment for all faculty members, measures and strategies to improve equality and diversity on a structural level at the Faculty of Physics are being developed and implemented, e.g. in the form of networking opportunities, further training measures and awareness-raising and knowledge transfer on gender & diversity. Suggestions and inquiries are very welcome!


Career advancement:

  • Call for doc:mv Mentoringprogram for early-stage researchers until 7.7.2024 here!
  • Call for appoinment training for prospective professors here!
  • New Funding opportunity Mobility & Care Fond: Information on Intranet!
  • NEW!! Franziska Seidl Funding Program for Postdoc here!

As part of an awareness-raising campaign, the University of Vienna has compiled information on counseling and intervention channels for conflicts, discrimination and sexual harassment. This overview chart can be found here (on the intranet).

16.04.2024 18:20

Dienstag, 16. April 2024 ab18:20

Ort: Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1. Stock


To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, we have compiled photos of female scientists at the Faculty of Physics -...

10.10.2023 15:00

Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2023 15:00 - 20:00

Ort: Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1. Stock


To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, we have compiled photos of female scientists at the Faculty of Physics -...

Empowerment Award for Silke Merchel

Silke Merchel (research group Isotope Physics) is one of the winners of the Q1-Q2 2024 Empowerment Awards of the Females in Spectrometry (FeMS). Congratulations!

Next round opens soon. More information here!