23.04.2025, 15:30
Physik Alumni invites you to...
Guided tour @ VERA
The research group Isotope Physics will kindly offer this guided tour exclusively for alumni from the Faculty to the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator.
The research at VERA extends across various fields of our environment, including archaeology and climate research. Particular focus is given to AMS applications in physics, such as astrophysics, nuclear physics, and atomic and molecular physics.
This is a great opportunity for graduates to (re)discover the fascinating research undergone at the Faculty, network and catch-up.
There is a maximal number of 15 paricipants, sign up soon: First come, first served basis!
- 15:30 to 17:00: Tour of VERA
- 17:00 to 18:00: Small reception at VERA
How to find the VERA Laboratories.