Preise und Exzellenzprogramme

Mitglieder unserer Fakultät wurden in den letzten Jahren mit 1 Nobelpreis, 3 ERC Synergy Grants, 2 ERC Advanced Grants, 3 ERC Proof of Concept Grants, 4 ERC Consolidator Grants, 7 ERC Starting Grants, 1 Wittgenstein-Preis des FWF, 7 START-Preisen des FWF und 1 Heisenberg-Stipendium der DFG ausgezeichnet.

Anton Zeilinger 2022 Preisbegründung: "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science"

Markus Aspelmeyer 2020 Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions (Q-Xtreme)
Philip Walther & Piotr Chruściel 2022 Gravitational interferometry with entangled states in optical fibers (GRAVITES)
Thomas Pichler 2020 Momentum and position resolved mapping transmission electron energy loss microscope (MORE-TEM)
Anton Zeilinger 2008 Photonic quantum information technology and the foundations of quantum physics in higher dimensions (QIT4QAD)
Markus Arndt 2012 Processing biomolecular targets for interferometric quantum experiments (PROBIOTIQUS)
Markus Aspelmeyer 2011 Crystalline Mirror Solutions (CMS)
Andrii Chumak 2022 Nanoscale spin-wave RF filters and multiplexers for 5G communication systems (5G-Spin)
Thomas Juffmann 2022 Fast Electro-Optic Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy (EOFLIM)
Paul Winkler 2013 Quantifying aerosol nanoparticle dynamics by high time resolution experiments (NANODYNAMITE)
Norbert Schuch 2020 Symmetries and Entanglement in Quantum Matter (SEQUAM)
Anatole von Lilienfeld 2018 Quantum Machine Learning: Chemical Reactions with Unprecedented Speed and Accuracy (QML)
Markus Aspelmeyer 2015 Quantum control of levitated massive mechanical systems: a new approach for gravitational quantum physics (QLev4G)
Frank Verstraete 2009 Quantum entanglement and the renormalization group (QUERG)
Thomas Juffmann 2018 Microscopy - Making optimal use of photons and electrons (MicroMOUPE)
Toma Susi 2017 Atomic precision materials engineering (ATMEN)
Andrii Chumak 2016 Nano-Scale Magnonic Circuits for Novel Computing Systems (MagnonCircuits)
Bernadett Weinzierl 2015 Absorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamics (A-LIFE)
Jannik C. Meyer 2013 Picometer scale analysis and manipulation of novel materials (PICOMAT)
Markus Aspelmeyer 2009 Quantum Optomechanics: quantum foundations and quantum information on the micro- and nanoscale (QOM)
Markus Arndt 2008 Quantum interference with clusters and complex molecules
Markus Arndt 2001 New methods for quantum optics with clusters and molecules
Marcus Sperling 2023 Phasen von Quantenfeldtheorien: Symmetrien und Vacua
Nikolai Kiesel 2016 Thermodynamik mit levitierter Optomechanik (TheLO)
Sofia Kantorovich 2012 Bridging the Scales in Dipolar Soft Matter
Philip Walther 2011 Photonic Quantum Simulations
Markus Aspelmeyer 2009 Quantum-Opto-Mechanics
Georg Kresse 2003 New directions in ab initio modeling of materials properties
Nils Carqueville 2020 Jenseits von Halbeinfachheit in 3-dimensionaler TQFT
Dieter Süss 2017 Zukünftige magnetische Sensoren und Materialien
Philip Walther 2020 Optische Quantencomputer
Oliver Heckl 2017 Mid-IR Spektroskopie und Halbleiter Optik