An international team showed that, due to non-trivial non-Hermitian topology, directional amplification is robust against disorder as long as it is smaller than the point gap. The study has practical...
Dr. Vittoria Sposini receives the Marthe Vogt Award of the Forschungsverbund Berlin for her outstanding doctoral thesis "The random diffusivity approach for diffusion in heterogeneous systems".
An international team of scientists from Austria and Germany has launched a new paradigm in magnetism and superconductivity, putting effects of curvature, topology, and 3D geometry into the spotlight...
Karin Hain von der Gruppe Isotopenphysik wurde mit dem Fritz Kohlrausch-Preis für Experimentalphysik von der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) auf der diesjährigen gemeinsamen...
Physiker*innen der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Universität Wien haben herausgefunden, wie Computer vorhersagen können, welche Maßnahmen am effektivsten die Herausforderungen...
The research team 'Biophysics and Quantum Microscopy' led by Thomas Juffmann works on novel microscopy techniques that increase sensitivity and reduce probe induced specimen damage. The microscopes...