Electromagnetic radiation plays a huge role in our everyday life but people tend to have many misconceptions about it. Sarah Zloklikovits from the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP) aims to...
An international team of scientists have found an easy way to control an unusual state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate by spin-orbit torque. | New paper in "Nature Nanotechnology".
Recent work by members of the Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group on a novel state of arrested matter, the active topological glass, has been selected for a highlight and commentary in the...
The Vienna Doctoral School in Physics invites especially gifted and highly motivated Bachelor and Master students to apply for funded summer internships at the University of Vienna.
In einer aktuellen Publikation zeigen Physiker*innen der Uni Wien und der ÖAW gemeinsam mit internationalen Wissenschafter*innen, wie sich Quantensysteme gleichzeitig entlang zweier entgegengesetzter...