Aerosolpartikel in der Atmosphäre spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Wolkenbildung und beeinflussen folglich die Sonnenstrahlung auf dem Weg zur Erde. | Neue Publikation in "Nature".
The first successful alignment and operation of the MORE-TEM nanospectrometer, which is kindly supported by the ERC Synergy Grant MORE-TEM (, was shown end of October 2024.
This article presents a simple and innovative method to create new materials that combine the extraordinary properties of single metal atoms with the robustness, flexibility, and versatility of...
In a recent collaborative study the authors present unconventional polaronic charge transport in hematite—one of the most promising semiconductor materials for solar energy conversion. | New paper in...
The Photonics100, curated by a panel of industry experts, highlights scientists, engineers, and business leaders whose work is reshaping sectors from aerospace and telecommunications to quantum...