This article presents a simple and innovative method to create new materials that combine the extraordinary properties of single metal atoms with the robustness, flexibility, and versatility of...
In a recent collaborative study the authors present unconventional polaronic charge transport in hematite—one of the most promising semiconductor materials for solar energy conversion. | New paper in...
The Photonics100, curated by a panel of industry experts, highlights scientists, engineers, and business leaders whose work is reshaping sectors from aerospace and telecommunications to quantum...
Der Quantum Technology Day (QTech Day), der am 11. Oktober stattfand, brachte eine diverse Gruppe von QuantenforscherInnen, IndustrievertreterInnen, Investoren und politischen EntscheidungsträgerInnen...
Christoph Dellago, Professor für Computational Physics und Teil des EuroCC-Austria-Teams, erzählt im Interview über die Revolution, die Machine Learning in Wissenschaft und Industrie gerade auslöst.
Felix Albrecht received the Student's Award award 2024 of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) for his master thesis "A new multi-beam switcher for the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator".