Bank Austria Hauptpreis für Valeria Saggio


Der Bank Austria Hauptpreis in der Höhe von 4.000 Euro geht 2022 an Valeria Saggio von der Quantenoptik, Quantennanophysik und Quanteninformation, Gruppe Philip Walther.

Die Physikerin freut sich über diese Anerkennung: "I am very honored that the Bank Austria Foundation for Science and Research has decided to award me the main prize for my doctoral dissertation on photonics quantum computing and learning. This shows that the work carried out at the University of Vienna is of particular relevance, and I see this award as an incentive to continue working in the field of quantum photonics. It is so gratifying to see that my work has been recognised, and I very much hope that my thesis could be useful, or even just a source of inspiration, to young students who are passionate about the fast-growing field of quantum technologies."

Quantenoptik, Quantennanophysik und Quanteninformation, Fakultät für Physik 
Bank Austria Preise



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