

The latest publication on Bragg diffraction of dyes and antibiotics by the Molecular Quantum Optics and Quantum Nanophysics Group headed by Markus...


Dario Fiore Mosca was awarded with a scholarship from the Institut français d'Autriche and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is a...


We are offering 23 PhD positions in a large diversity of research fields. The most promising candidates can be invited to Vienna for the recruitment...


A study published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology features the results of the research of an international team, opening up new ways to the...


Gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus der Praxis untersucht Dieter Süß in seinem Christian Doppler Labor die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von magnetischen...


Die Effekte des Higgs-Teilchens als Elementarteilchen im Proton haben Forscher unter Beteiligung von Simon Plätzer von der Uni Wien und Kollegen an...