Archiv vor 2022
Researchers from the Universities of Göttingen (Wayne C. Huang), Lincoln/Nebraska (Herman Batelaan) and Vienna (Markus Arndt) show how to prepare...
It is a rare treat that modellers articles are selected for cover stories. “Nature Review Materials” made "Polarons in materials" a cover story in the...
Researchers from Vienna, Crete and Cali show how to steer the rheology of soft mixtures. | New paper in "Journal of Chemical Physics".
Die Quantenbewegungen eines Glaskügelchens konnten in Wien durch die Verbindung von Mikroskopie mit Regelungstechnik erstmals kontrolliert werden –...
Sarah Zloklikovits, a physics educational researcher, is one of 8 doctoral candidates of the University of Vienna to have been awarded the...
Die Fakultät für Physik gratuliert den diesjährigen Stipendiat*innen Margaret Rosenberg, Thomas Mieling und Eman Sharaf.