Archiv vor 2022
An international team of scientists has theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed vortex jets in superconducting strips. | New paper in...
Die Fakultät trauert um ihren langjährigen Mitarbeiter / Kollegen Franz Pusker, welcher am 09. Juni 2022 im 63. Lebensjahr verstorben ist.
Georg Kresse, full professor for Computational Quantum Mechanics since 2007, receives an honorary doctorate, the highest scientific award, from the...
Ammoniak in der Atmosphäre beschleunigt die Bildung von Partikeln und damit die Entstehung von Wolken. Das zeigen Experimente am CERN, an denen u.a....
The research of David Fajman concerns the nature of gravitation from the perspective of the Einstein equations, using methods of Geometric Analysis.
The research of Nils Carqueville aims to understand fundamental questions in quantum field theory, often using algebraic and topological methods.