Archiv vor 2022
The Doctoral Network QLUSTER explores the parallels of ultrasoft interactions between classical soft matter and quantum matter.
Quantum physicists Anne-Catherine de la Hamette and Lee Rozema work on challenging the fundamental principles of physics and how we think of our...
Am 10. Dezember 2022 nahm Anton Zeilinger den Nobelpreis in Physik von König Carl XVI. Gustaf von Schweden entgegen. Wir gratulieren aufs Herzlichste!
“We have all heard of the weirdness of quantum mechanics. Things that appear to be in multiple places simultaneously, others that are correlated over...
Iurie Coroli, PhD candidate at the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, investigates quantum properties of so called "mesoscopic objects”, a scale...
Die Nobelpreisverleihung und der Nobelpreisvortrag, den Anton Zeilinger am 8. Dezember hält, werden via Livestream übertragen. Auf den...