Stefan Fredenhagen (Vienna): Obstructions to interacting higher-spin gauge theories in three dimensions

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2019 13:30

Ort: Seminarraum 218, Währinger Str. 17, 2. Stock

Free higher-spin Fronsdal fields generalise Maxwell fields and linearised gravity to higher tensor fields. Whereas for spin-1 and spin-2 there are non-linear completions (e.g. Yang-Mills, gravity), no non-linear, gauge-invariant theory of Fronsdal fields is known. A systematic way to construct them is the Noether procedure in which a gauge invariant action is constructed in a perturbative expansion in powers of the fields.

In three space-time dimensions, there are strong obstructions to construct such an action leading to the conclusion that the interactions of the higher-spin gauge fields are completely fixed by the cubic vertices in the action.




Raum 218, Währinger Str. 17, 2. Stock

Foto: Barbara Mair