Stefan Czimek (Leipzig): Obstruction-free gluing for the Einstein equations

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2023 15:15

Ort: Seminarraum A, Währinger Str. 17, 1090 Wien

We present a new approach to the gluing problem in General Relativity, that is, the problem of matching two solutions of the Einstein equations along a spacelike or characteristic (null) hypersurface.
In contrast to previous constructions, the new perspective actively utilizes the nonlinearity of the constraint equations. As a result, we are able to remove the 10-dimensional spaces of obstructions to gluing present in the literature. As application, we show that any asymptotically flat spacelike initial data set can be glued to Schwarzschild initial data of sufficiently large mass. This is joint work with I. Rodnianski.




Seminarraum A, Währinger Str. 17, 2. Stock