Paul S. Clegg (Edinburgh): The use of adaptive design in image analysis and materials design

Donnerstag, 09. Mai 2019 9:00

Ort: Erwin‐Schrödinger‐Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock

I will introduce the concept of adaptive design and explain how it has been used in the published literature to guide the design of new solid materials. I will then explain how I intend to use it to guide my soft materials research programme.
As a demonstration, I will then use adaptive design to guide the optimization of an image pre-processing step for data analysis. Here I take a library of 135 confocal micrographs of samples produced during more and less successful experiments. For a, previously unseen, confocal micrograph I would like my software to tell me whether the experiment was a success (this is the performance metric which I seek to optimize). Adaptive design of the image pre-processing step has allowed me to halve my failure rate at this task.

Im Rahmen des Vortrages findet eine Lehrprobe zum Thema „Brownian Motion: Theory and Experiment“ statt.


Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock

Foto: Barbara Mair