Join us for the panel discussion 'Academia as a Career Choice' with Prof. Tomas Brage (Lund University), Prof. Maximilian Fochler (University of Vienna), Prof. Sofia Kantorovich (University of Vienna), Dr. Toma Susi (University of Vienna) and Prof. Gregor Weihs (University of Innsbruck and Austrian Science Fund FWF) The event will provide a platform for exchange between young researchers in natural sciences and established researchers in academia. Together, they will reflect on recent developments in the academic sector, its possibilities of access and potential barriers, and discuss how every researcher might contribute to reshaping the academic landscape.
Detailed information on the Monday program can be found on here or by clicking on the poster on the right.
This panel discussion is part of the VDS-P Summer School 2018 on 'Career Development for Early Stage Researchers'. While the participation to the school is subject to prior registration, the participation to the panel discussion is open and free-of-charge.