Max Riegler (Belgium): Warped Black Holes in Lower‐Spin Gravity

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018 13:45

Ort: TU Wien, HS Kl. Schiffbau, Maschinenbaugebäude 1. Stock, Getreidemarkt 9

In this talk I will talk about recent work (1801.07263) showing that (spacelike) warped AdS_3 black hole solutions can be consistently described in a lower‐spin gravity theory. This model provides a very
simple playground to explore warped black holes and at the same time warped conformal field theories at finite temperature. I will put an emphasis on the basic ideas that are needed to translate geometric
statements into a gauge‐theoretic language as well as how to compute the thermodynamic properties of warped black holes in this theory.

TU Wien, HS Kl. Schiffbau, Maschinenbaugebäude 1. Stock, Getreidemarkt 9