We show that apart from the conventional Dp‐branes and their supersymmetric bound states, the weakly coupled type II superstring compactified on a 4‐torus admits new stable non‐BPS fundamental D‐branes. We construct the corresponding elementary superconformal boundary states at special values of closed string moduli for which the worldsheet theory admits a Gepner‐like description and check a number of BCFT consistency conditions. The open string spectrum of these new non‐BPS D‐branes is tachyon free despite the fact that they carry no RR charges. New explicit superconformal boundary states for certain 1/4‐BPS bound states of Dp‐branes are also found.
Jakub Vošmera (Prague): Unconventional D‐branes on T^4
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Yellow Area, 9th floor Seminar Room (DB 09 E23)
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