Angularities are a class of event shapes whose sensitivity to the splitting angle of a collinear emission is controlled by a continuous parameter b, with b > -1 for infrared safety.
When measured with respect to the standard thrust axis, this class of QCD observables is a generalization to the well-known thrust (b = 1) and jet broadening (b = 0).
For b larger than 1 (thrust-like angularities), angularities are insensitive to the recoil of soft against collinear radiation while for b close to 0 (broadening-like angularities),
this effect cannot be ignored. In the literature, SCET_I has been successfully applied for thrust-like angularity distributions while the jet broadening distribution has been worked out using SCET_II.
I will illustrate a novel framework based on SCET_II that can be applied for the whole range of angularity exponents, thereby allowing us to smoothly connect the special limits of broadening (b = 0) and thrust (b = 1).
Our one-loop results show an improved agreement against the Event2 generator for all values of b we could test. I will also discuss preliminary results at NLL accuracy.