

Gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus der Praxis untersucht Dieter Süß in seinem Christian Doppler Labor die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von magnetischen Sensoren im Automobil- und...


Die Effekte des Higgs-Teilchens als Elementarteilchen im Proton haben Forscher unter Beteiligung von Simon Plätzer von der Uni Wien und Kollegen an der Uni Graz und dem HEPHY der...


The research group of Oliver Heckl works in the field of optical frequency comb spectroscopy and semiconductor optics.


A team of scientists from Austria, Germany and Ukraine has found a new superconducting system in which magnetic flux quanta can move at velocities of 10-15 km/s. This opens access...


Magnetism offers new ways to create more powerful and energy-efficient computers, but the realization of magnetic computing on the nanoscale is a challenging task. A critical...


EPIQUS, to which Philip Walther is a consortium member, is a project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop a chip-scale quantum simulator that is based on...