News Archive


A simple concept of decay and fission of "magnetic quivers" helps to clarify complex quantum physics and mathematical structures. | New publication in...


Die ÖAW begrüßt 34 neue Mitglieder in ihren Reihen, darunter emer. o. Prof. Dr. Walter Kutschera aus der Forschungsgruppe Isotopenphysik.


Faculty of Physics researchers Christos Likos and Jan Smrek among the coauthors of a recent review paper on the interplay of topology, flow, and...


Am 16. Mai wurde das Team QUBO rund um Prof. Philip Walther von der Universität Wien mit dem Science und Business Award des Rudolf Sallinger Fonds...


With their video installation 'The Temporal Forest' the science-arts project SEEC Photography participates in the celebrations of the European Capital...


A team of researchers led by Cesare Franchini has yielded a significant breakthrough: the discovery of a novel type of particle in materials that the...