News Archive


As Richard Feynman famously put it, "the double slit experiment is absolutely impossible to explain in any classical way and has in it the heart of...


From ice skating, it has been known for a long time that a thin liquid film forms on ice surfaces. This, along with other causes, is responsible for...


Das Projekt ONEM unter der Leitung von Physiker Thomas Juffmann wird eine neue nicht-invasive Mikroskopietechnik zur Abbildung dynamischer Prozesse an...


Zwei der insgesamt vier hochdotierten Preise gehen an Wissenschafter*innen der Uni Wien: Die ÖAW zeichnet u. a. den Quantenphysiker Markus Arndt aus....


From March 4, employees of the Faculty of Physics can also hand in their samples at the Faculty of Chemistry on Tuesdays and Thursdays (in addition to...


We are delighted to welcome Roberto Cerbino, who joins us from the University of Milan, as new Professor of Experimental Soft Matter Physics at the Co...