The Quantum Materials Modelling group (C. Franchini) in collaboration with the experimental surface science group at TU Wien (U. Diebold) have shown that quantum effects play a...
Why is water densest at around 4 degrees Celsius? Why does ice float? Why does heavy water have a different melting point compared to normal water? Why do snowflakes have a...
Im Rahmen der Fakultätsversammlung wurde heuer der "Preis für gute Lehre" der Studienvertretung Physik vergeben. Jan Rosseel war mit Stefan Fredenhagen, Stephan Puchegger, Armin...
Using accelerator mass spectometry to measure the 26AI content of deep-sea sediments, a limit is established on 60Fe/26 AI nucleosynthesis ratios from recent and local supernova...
Oliver H. Heckl, Leiter des Christian-Doppler-Labors für Mid-IR-Spektroskopie und Halbleiteroptik, und Nikolai Kiesel, dessen START-Gruppe sich mit Stochastischer und...
Why does quantum mechanics work so well for microscopic objects, yet macroscopic objects are described by classical physics? This question has bothered physicists since the...