

Employing a computer simulation, physicists Maximilian Liebetreu and Christos Likos from the University of Vienna have shown a unique dynamic behavior of cyclic polymers.


Researchers in Austria use lasers to levitate and cool a glass nanoparticle into the quantum regime. Although it is trapped in a room temperature environment, the particle’s motion...


A team of researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna established a quantum encrypted connection between Sicily and Malta. It is a further step...


Physicists at the University of Vienna in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research have discovered a new type of glass formed by long, cyclic molecules.


The research group of Massimiliano Procura develops theoretical methods to maximize the discovery potential of both high-energy and high-intensity particle physics experiments.


Mit einer halben Tonne Equipment im Gepäck vermisst Physikerin Bernadett Weinzierl von der Universität Wien auf einem Forschungsflugzeug der Nasa winzigste Schwebeteilchen in von...