

The research group of Oliver Heckl works in the field of optical frequency comb spectroscopy and semiconductor optics.


A team of scientists from Austria, Germany and Ukraine has found a new superconducting system in which magnetic flux quanta can move at velocities of 10-15 km/s. This opens access...


Magnetism offers new ways to create more powerful and energy-efficient computers, but the realization of magnetic computing on the nanoscale is a challenging task. A critical...


EPIQUS, to which Philip Walther is a consortium member, is a project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop a chip-scale quantum simulator that is based on...


Die Fakultät trauert um Herrn Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. phil. Peter Hille, der am 22. Mai 2020 im 82. Lebensjahr verstorben ist.


We are used to the fact that events are sharply localised in time. In a cuckoo clock, the cuckoo always calls at a precise time. Everybody looking at the clock would agree on this....