

Quantum mechanics is famous for its indeterminism, but we can usually use probabilities to quantify our uncertainty about future observations.


Magnonic devices have the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. Qi Wang, Andrii Chumak (University of Vienna) and Philipp Pirro (TU Kaiserslautern) have largely...


Klimawandel, Feinstaub oder COVID-19 – die Erforschung winziger Aerosole liefert die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für viele Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Im Interview erklären Uni...


Zum ersten Mal wurde die Koexistenz von magnetischen Skyrmionen und Antiskyrmionen in magnetischen dünnen Multilagen (Fe/Gd) sowohl theoretisch vorhergesagt als auch experimentell...


Valeria Saggio, doctoral candidate at the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, investigates the bridge between quantum physics and artificial intelligence. Her team was able to...


Rare transitions between long-lived metastable states are at heart of many processes in nature and technology. Researchers from the Faculty of Physics and ETH Zurich have now...