

How can we sustainably scale up the production of hydrogen and synthetic fuels for the post-fossil energy world? Advances in materials science could hold the key. Physicist Georg...


Das Erwin Schrödinger Institut für Mathematik und Physik feiert sein 30-jähriges Bestehen. Aus diesem Anlass findet am 9. und 10. November ein hochkarätiges Symposium statt.


An international collaboration headed by Andreas Zöttl from the University of Vienna demonstrated how micro-printed chiral particles move in shear flows. | New paper in "PNAS".


Janis Wolf received the​ Women in Nuclear (WiN) Germany award 2023​ for her master thesis​ "Study of Actinide Signatures as Potential Markers for the Anthropocene".


Einen großen Sprung macht der Fachbereich "Physics" unter die besten 50 der Welt. Physik@Univie wird aktuell auf Platz #48 von 500 Universitäten gereiht.


An international team involving Andreas Nunnenkamp have predicted that non-reciprocal interactions can stabilize dynamical phases of matter. The present work published in PRL...