Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales gave a speech on “Women in Science”


Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales was selected by the "Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and the "Institute of Mexicans in Abroad" to present and discuss at the "First Conversatory of Mexican Women", a satellite meeting of the recent 3rd EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels.

Following her nomination by the Embassy of Mexico in Austria, PhD candidate at the University of Vienna and Mexican national Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales was selected by the "Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and the "Institute of Mexicans in Abroad" to present and discuss at the "First Conversatory of Mexican Women", a satellite meeting of the recent 3rd EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels. This regional summit between the EU and the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean states is the main forum for dialogue and cooperation between these regions.

Ms Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales was invited to give a speech during the “Women in Science” roundtable session which, among other distinguished guests, was attended by Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Mexico’s current Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Ms. Ventura Rosales, representing the University of Vienna as well, stood out as the sole Mexican scientist residing in Austria to be chosen for this prestigious gathering. The round table featured the participation of five other distinguished Mexican female scientists, all of whom are currently living and conducting research across various European countries, including France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

This “First Conversatory of Mexican Women”, an initiative pioneered by the Mexican Government, proved to be a profoundly enriching endeavor. It provided a platform to discuss a wide array of critical topics of public interest in addition to the session on “Women in Science”, such as "Migration and Mental Health", "Women's Rights and Gender Violence", "Professional Development", "Enterprise" and "Women in Arts". The event not only showcased accomplished Mexican women living and working in Europe in these diverse areas but also offered valuable insights into the landscape of achievements, opportunities, needs, and challenges associated with each theme.

In her talk, Ms. Ventura Rosales therefore focused on the inquiry into strategies for mitigating the gender disparity prevalent within the scientific domain, while concurrently addressing mechanisms conducive to augmenting the representation of women within the realm of scientific pursuits.

Concluding the event, Ms. Ventura Rosales received a recognition diploma from Minister Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in a gathering attended by dignitaries including Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Carmen Moreno Toscano; the Mexican Ambassador to Belgium and to the European Union, Rogelio Granguillhome Morfín; and the Director of the Institute of Mexicans in Abroad, Luis Gutiérrez, along with her fellow participants from the roundtable discussions, among other notable attendees.

This moment holds profound significance for her, emblematic of her achievements. This is why she dedicated this esteemed distinction to her children and the Mexican community residing in Austria.

Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales, a doctoral candidate and Mexican national, is affiliated with the research group "Computational Physics and Soft Matter" at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna under the guidance of Prof. Christos Likos, and is member of the Vienna Doctoral School of Physics (VDSP).

Youtube video of talk (in Spanish, from min 47:53): CMMM en Europa – Bruselas, Panel 5
EU-CELAC Summit 2023: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230717IPR03012/eu-celac-parliamentarians-call-for-defence-of-multilateralism-promote-trade
Likos Group: https://comp-phys.univie.ac.at/research/research-likos/
Faculty of Physics: https://physik.univie.ac.at/en/
VDSP: https://vds-physics.univie.ac.at/

© Claudia Campos