News Archive


The latest book by Piotr Chrusciel, "Geometry of Black Holes", published in the prestigious International Series of Monographs on Physics by Oxford...


Dr. Ciampini (Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information) will investigate entropy production in non-linear mechanical systems in the...


Toma Susi und Michael Trupke leiten zwei der insgesamt 24 neu genehmigten Forschungsvorhaben des 1000-Ideen-Programms des FWF, das High-Risk-Forschung...


The recent contribution “Quantum-assisted diamagnetic deflection of molecules” by Markus Arndt and the Molecular Quantum Optics and Quantum...


The latest publication on Bragg diffraction of dyes and antibiotics by the Molecular Quantum Optics and Quantum Nanophysics Group headed by Markus...


Dario Fiore Mosca was awarded with a scholarship from the Institut français d'Autriche and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is a...