News Archive


A new machine-guided path sampling algorithm learns the mechanism of molecular self-organization. | New paper in "Nature Computational Science".


We are offering fully funded PhD positions in a large diversity of research fields. Online applications are accepted until 04 May 2023.


An international team predicts unusual properties for light emitted by many-body systems subject to a strong drive. The study has implications for...


Congratulations to the research group Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information and all scientists of the newly approved Cluster of...


Congratulations to Georg Kresse and Jani Kotakoski and all colleagues of the newly approved Cluster of Excellence "Materials for Energy Conversion and...


Was sind die mikrophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Dunklen Materie? Diesen und weiteren Fragen zur Physik jenseits des sog. Standardmodells der...