News Archive


The research of Paola Ayala focuses on elucidating fundamental aspects governing the production and applicability of functionalized carbon...


In his research Paul Winkler utilizes experimental techniques to investigate fundamental mechanisms of aerosol formation and quantify aerosol physical...


Advances in microscopy and imaging have led to many important discoveries in physics, biology, and medicine. The research group of Thomas Juffmann...


Quantenphysik: Zentrale Fragen zu Wirklichkeit und Weltbild. Prof. i.R. Reinhold Bertlmann zu Gast in der Ö1-Sendereihe "Punkt eins", Donnerstag...


The spokesperson of Nanomagnetism and Magnonics Research Unit of the Faculty of Physics has been selected as the head of the Austrian Physical...


The Faculty of Physics is presenting the Teaching Award for outstanding teaching for the first time in 2025. We would like to highlight dedication to...