I we will consider the most general quadratic curvature action of massless gravity in 3 space time dimensions which is parity invariant, torsion free and contains the same offshell degrees of freedom as the Einstein‐Hilbert action in general relativity. In the ultraviolet, with an appropriate choice of the propagator given by the exponential of an entire function, the point‐like curvature singularity can be smoothened by a Gaussian distribution, while in the infrared the theory reduces to that of the predictions of general relativity. I will also show how to embed new massive gravity in ghost free infinite
derivative gravity in Minkowski background as one of the infrared limits. Finally, I will provide the perturbative unitarity conditions for infinite derivative gravity in presence of a cosmological constant in deSitter and Anti‐deSitter space times in 3 spacetime dimensions.
Georg Stettinger (Netherlands): Infinite derivative gravity in 2+1 spacetime dimensions
TU Wien, HS Kl. Schiffbau, Maschinenbaugebäude 1. Stock, Getreidemarkt 9
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