I will discuss accretion of collisionless Vlasov gas onto a Schwarzschild black hole. An equivalent of the Bondi flow (steady spherically symmetric accretion) has been developed by Paola Rioseco and Olivier Sarbach in 2017.
In this case, the gas is assumed to be at rest at infinity, where it is described by the Maxwell-Juttner distribution.
Last year, together with Andrzej Odrzywołek, we computed an equivalent of the so-called Bondi-Hoyle model (accretion onto a moving black hole).
I will discuss some details of this model and compare them to the results obtained in the ballistic approximation. If time permits, I will comment on possible generalizations to the Kerr geometry.
Patryk Mach (Cracow): Collisionless Vlasov gas around black holes