The Milne cosmological model, a specific case of the FLRW family of cosmologies, represents an expanding universe emanating from a big bang singularity with a linear scale factor. With such a slow expansion rate, particularly compared to related isotropically expanding models (such as de Sitter), there are interesting questions one can ask about stability of this spacetime. For example previous results have shown that, when looking at the initial value problem, the Milne model is a stable solution to the vacuum Einstein, Einstein‐Klein‐Gordon and Einstein‐Vlasov systems. Motivated by the last result, I will discuss our proof of the stability of the Milne model to the Einstein‐ Klein‐Gordon system. This was shown recently by J. Wang using an alternative gauge and method. Thus I will also give comparisons between our method and results.
This is joint work with D. Fajman.
Zoe Wyatt (Edinburgh and Vienna): Attractors of the Einstein‐Klein‐Gordon system
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