Marc Henneaux (Brussels and Vienna): Asymptotic symmetries of electromagnetism and gravity: a Hamiltonian study

Donnerstag, 21. März 2019, 14:00

Ort: Erwin-Schrödinger-Institut, Boltzmanngasse 9, Boltzmann Lecture Hall, 2. Stock

Part of the relativity and mathematical physics seminars, jointly with the ESI (Erwin Schrödinger Institute) "Higher Spins and Holography" Thematic Programme


The asymptotic symmetries of gravity and electromagnetism are remarkably rich. The talk will explain the asymptotic structure of gravity and electromagnetism in the asymptotically flat case by making central use of the Hamiltonian formalism. In particular, how the relevant infinite-dimensional asymptotic symmetry groups emerge at spatial infinity, and the extension to higher spacetime dimensions, will be discussed.


ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Vienna

Foto: Barbara Mair