I will talk about the two‐vierbein gravity theory that is obtained from the conformal group gauge theory. The well known gauge theory of conformal group is conformal gravity, however if we weaken the constraint on the gauge generator of translations, the obtained theory differs. Starting with the action from which one can derive Einstein gravity and conformal gravity upon imposing suitable constraints, we keep two independent gauge fields and integrate out the field corresponding to the generator of
Lorentz transformations. We keep two gauge fields and consider the perturbation around the AdS space. We obtain two linearised equations that differ from both, Einstein gravity and conformal gravity linearised equations. We also consider two examples: a possible redefinition of the second gauge field; and the perturbation around the flat space.
Iva Lovrekovic (London): Two‐vierbein gravity
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Yellow Area, 9th floor Seminar Room (DB 09 E23)
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