The Ye‐Kitaev (SYK The Sachdev) model is an interacting statistical quantum mechanical model. In low temperature this model has a (1+1)‐dimensional dilaton‐gravity description in AdS_2 spacetime known as Jackiw–Teitelboim model. The key link between gravity and quantum theory side is the boundary effective action denoted as "Schwarzian theory". In this talk after reviewing this construction we set up this correspondence in the case of (1+1)‐dimensional dilaton‐gravity in flat spacetime and derive the analogous boundary action which coincides with the one discovered recently in 1908.08089 as "warped Schwarzian theory".
Hamid Afshar (TU Wien): 2d flat space holography and warped‐Schwarzian theory
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Red Area, 7th floor Seminar Room DC 07 A15
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Foto: Barbara Mair