Despite the progress made at the Paris climate talks with respect to reducing emissions of green-house gases it is possible that the rate of environ-mental change may result in extensive negative impacts for humans and natural ecosystems. Clearly, emissions cuts are essential to managing climate risk and reducing climate change. How-ever, given the potential consequences of a high rate of environmental change, it is important to investigate complementary approaches. For ex-ample, geoengineering methods aimed at altering Earth's radiation budget may offer a fast-acting way of moderating the rate of climate change. However, such geoengineering approaches entail a number of new risks, and cannot replace reducing CO2 emissions/levels. I will discuss differ-ent geoengineering methods, focusing on new approaches to stratospheric solar radiation man-agement, highlighting technical capabilities and risk. I will discuss physical and chemical prop-erties of the ideal stratospheric solar geoengineering material and potential candidates, such as diamond and calcium carbonate, which may greatly reduce stratospheric ozone loss and changes in stratospheric dynamics. I will also discuss questions surrounding the potential im-plementation of such approaches.
Frank N. Keutsch (USA): Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering - Taking the Edge off Climate Change?