High-precision determinations of the top quark mass parameter are crucial for consistency tests of the Standard Model (SM) as well as for searches for Beyond-the-SM physics. At future linear colliders, measurements of distributions of the kinematics of top decay products offer excellent prospects in this respect. The plethora of scales related to physics involving top quark jets makes the field-theoretic treatment of these kinematic distributions a complex task.
However, by using a factorized approach including a string of Effective Field Theories, recently the accuracy of QCD calculations has reached the Next-to-Next-to-Next-to-Leading logarithmic level in the kinematic regime of highest interest. This amazing precision now also calls for a systematic inclusion of electroweak effects beyond a simple width for resonant top propagators that has been employed so far.
This talk discusses how to systematically incorporate electroweak radiative corrections in the factorized framework for boosted top jet production, with focus on emphasizing concepts and highlighting (open) challenges.
Daniel Lechner (Vienna): Electroweak Effects in Boosted Top Jet Production