Christopher Lepenik (Vienna): REvolver: Automated running and matching of couplings and masses in QCD

Dienstag, 9. März 2021 16:00

Zoom Meeting:

In this talk, I present the recently released C++ (+MathLink +Python) library "REvolver", which focuses on fast and precise running, matching, and conversion of QCD parameters.
REvolver provides an easy-to-use setup for renormalization group evolution with automatic matching of the QCD coupling and quark masses in the MSbar and MSR scheme, as well as conversion between various quark mass renormalization schemes. For most precise mass scheme conversion the effects originating from lighter massive quark flavors are implemented, and potentially large logs of characteristic scale ratios are resummed by utilizing R-evolution (IR-renormalization group flow).

After reviewing some of the fundamental concepts and ideas behind quark mass renormalization schemes and R-evolution, some details of the code and its usage are discussed, including a live demo.