Large N CFTs with Einstein gravity dual are known to saturate the chaos bound, i.e, λ=2π/(β). In my talk I shall discuss how maximal chaos occurs for a generic, probe quark-like defect degrees of freedom, for both scalar and vector operators, in a strongly coupled large N_C gauge theory. In holography, this corresponds to the dynamics of open string degrees of freedom, in the background of a closed string geometric background. The corresponding maximal chaos is governed by an intrinsic defect D-brane horizon. In this context, I shall show that a Schwarzian effective action emerges, in the infra-red, from an open string worldsheet, as well as a D1-brane worldvolume, embedded in AdS. I shall further elaborate
on the connection between the emergence of Schwarzian effective action and the chaos bound saturation, which also happens to be the story for Jackiw- Teitelboim theory.
Avik Banerjee (India): Strings, Branes, Schwarzian action and Maximal Chaos
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