Double Field Theory (DFT) promotes the T‐duality for closed strings to a manifest symmetry and it can describe the generalised geometries that a closed string may experience. In this talk, we discuss the world volume theory and the geometry that corresponds to the DFT structure. Utilizing the one‐to‐one correspondence between Courant algebroids and a class of Membrane Sigma Models (MSMs), we construct the MSM for DFT as a projection of a Courant sigma model over a doubled space.
This model contains all types of geometric and non‐geometric fluxes as generalised Wess‐Zumino terms and its gauge structure gives rise to the DFT Bianchi identities and the DFT strong constraint. Moreover, this offers a geometric description of DFT as a structure that lies in between two Courant algebroids over different bases.
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis (Zagreb): Double Field Theory and Membrane Sigma Models
TU Wien Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8‐10, SEM 136 10. Stock
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