Arts & Science: The Art of Magnetism

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018 18:00

Ort: Campus, Veranstaltungspavillon Hof 1, Spitalgasse 2-4

The project Art of Magnetism is an interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists from the Faculty of Physics and artists, exploring the ideas of magnetism and soft matter. In this event, we will show some project results and discuss how magnetism manifests itself in small particles, and how beautiful the patterns created by magnetic fields can be. We will first give a brief popular lecture about dipolar soft matter and basic goals of this research. The lecture will be followed by experimental demonstrations of magnetic fluids – systems of magnetic nanoparticles suspended in nonmagnetic fluid. We will also show how modern computers can be used for better understanding of observed phenomena. Finally, our guests can try themselves to create patterns using little magnets and magnetic fluids.

Project Lead: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sofia Kantorovich, Computational Physics


20 Jahre Uni Wien Campus

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Campus, Veranstaltungs-Pavillon Campusfest, Spitalgasse 2