Third-Party Funding Service Physics

Externally funded basic research is of special importance for the operation of a university. In its development plan, the University of Vienna considers the successful acquisition of third-party funds as an indicator of its competitiveness, which also brings about a special gain in reputation for the university and its researchers.

The third-party funding service of the Faculty of Physics provides a comprehensive range of services for the submission and implementation of research projects.


Funding applications: support services

The support provided for the preparation of an application comprises in particular the examination of the formal correctness and completeness of the application documents for each individual call, as well as general proof-reading of the proposal text. You will be given assistance in cost calculation as well, which ought to facilitate the application procedure for scientific staff and provides an overview of the Faculty’s resources.

Please inform the Third-Party Funding Service
as soon as possible about any planned application submission !


Formal procedures for applicants

Overview: Guidelines for applicants

All external funding applications, irrespective of the funding source and exceeding a funding amount of 5.000 EUR, must be presented to the Dean's Office 14 days prior to the deadline.

This time span is necessary for a potential consultation with University Service Units, in particular the Research Services Unit, the Personnel Department and the Rectorate, as the informationen provided in the application is essential for a meaningful planning of personnel- and infrastructure resources.

Project proposals that can be approved for submission by the Dean’s Office include:

  • §26 projects (ad personam): funding organisations who explicitly demand that contracts are concluded ad personam (with scientists personally) and not with the university;
  • projects with funding (share of the University of Vienna) less than 100,000 €.

Applications for §27 projects (especially EU, FFG, etc.) must additionally be reviewed by the university's central Research Services Unit and approved by the Rector (if the budget exceeds 100,000 €).



A newsletter is sent out every two months with information on current calls, funding opportunities (including prizes, scholarships, grants, etc.), call deadlines, relevant events and news in the domain of third party funding. This newsletter is distributed via the group speakers and secretaries. If you are interested, you can also subscribe to the third-party funding service newsletter individually (see contact below).

Physik ProjektSERVICE - Documentation of third-party-funding activities

The webpages of the Physik ProjektSERVICE provide information on research projects, funding opportunities and other relevant topics concerning third-party funding. After login with a University of Vienna u:account you get a comprehensive view of the collected data with extensive filter and search options.


Provided services

  • Advice and support in initiating and applying for national and international externally funded research projects
  • Organisation of the approval and signing of application documents by the Dean
  • Maintenance of the application data in the university-wide 'Award Management Tool' (AMT)
  • Organisation of information events on various current funding calls and other topics relevant to third-party funding
  • Consultancy on topics such as Open Access publications, Open Research Data, project management, internationalisation, public relations, etc.
  • Interface to academic institutions (DLEs Research Services, Finance and Controlling, International Office) as well as to national and international funding agencies


Dr. Lukas Theussl
1090 Wien, Boltzmanngasse 5, room 3E54D

T: +43-1-4277-51008
Physik ProjektSERVICE